Married at first sight

MAFS reunion host Kevin Frazier reacts to ‘hot mess’ cheating scandal

Now that Season 18 is almost at its end, reunion host Kevin Frazier is gearing up for a sitdown with the cast.

He’s been tuned in to the cheating scandal, with Madison Myers and David Trimble referring to it as a “hot mess.”

The popular journalist and fan of the series has hosted the reunion and other MAFS specials for several years.

It’s almost time to face the Chicago cast and there will be much to discuss when they hit the stage.

Kevin posted a video online while reacting to the latest episode and his responses might surprise you.

He had a lot of sympathy for Allen Slovick, but the same can’t be said for Michelle Tomblin.

Nonetheless, Kevin is known for holding people’s feet to the fire, and with everything that has occurred so far, this reunion could be the most memorable one yet.

MAFS reunion host Kevin Frazier reacts to the “hot mess” cheating scandal

Kevin Frazier has been heavily invested in the season and its dramatic cheating scandal.

He posted a video from Episode 16 while reacting to a scene with Madison and David’s jilted spouses, Allen Slovick and Michelle Tomblin.

Married at First Sight Season 17 Reunion Host: All the Details

“Damn! They started putting 2+2 together and it equaled a hot ess… #MAFS,” noted Kevin in his caption.

The clip featured a conversation between Michelle and Allen, trying to make sense of their spouses’ recent declaration about having feelings for each other.

The scene also showed flashbacks of Madison and David’s flirty interactions throughout the season before anyone had suspicions about them.

“I feel bad for him. I feel bad; he’s the innocent person in this,” said Kevin while referring to Allen.

Meanwhile, Kevin had the opposite reaction when Michelle discussed David’s indiscretions.

“But you pushed him towards it,” exclaimed the MAFS reunion host, later adding that Michelle “chose” not to spend time with her husband before he cheated.

When is the Season 18 reunion?

Kevin is doing his due diligence in preparation for the MAFS reunion, but when will the much-anticipated event air?

You’ll need to wait a while for the special because several episodes remain before we reach that point.

Episode 17, A Match Made in Scandal, will air on February 25. It’s the end of the line for the Chicago couples: Decision Day.

Episode 18, New Love is in the Air, is set for March 4 and will show the cast navigating their new lives after the MAFS process.

Some are experiencing the world for the first time as newlyweds, while others are embracing single life again after short-lived marriages.

So far, the reunion date has not been shared, but we’ll keep you posted.

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