Married at first sight

Who Is Austin Reed Dating Post-Married At First Sight Season 17?

As Married At First Sight season 17 draws to a close, Austin Reed and Becca Haley ended their marriage, but is Austin dating someone new? The show has had a terrible track record of matching up singles over the years. Though the show has had some success in the past, most of the couples the relationship experts marry to each other end up getting divorced.

Married First Sight season 17 is no exception. This season featured the first runaway bride in the show’s history. Of the five couples that managed to make it through the wedding ceremony, all but one couple have divorced, with one remaining to make their final decision. Among the divorced couple are Austin and Becca, who decided to stay married initially on Decision Day, but Becca changed her mind.

Austin Has A Slow Intimacy Pace

Married At First Sight Season 17 Becca & Austin. Becca crying, Austin holding her

Austin and Becca hit it off on their wedding day, but things soured quickly. Becca was ready to be intimate sooner than Austin, who had a slower intimacy pace. Becca became emotional about the fact that she wasn’t desired by her husband, which only made her less desirable. Though they initially decided to stay married, Becca was mad at Austin for socializing with a Married At First Sight season 17 producer and dumped him immediately.

Austin Is Very Religious

Married at First Sight Becca Haley and Austin Reed looking upset with ornage and yellow background

Austin is a devout Christian, while Becca is an atheist with a Jewish background. One of Austin and Becca’s earliest fights was about how Austin was worried Becca would go to hell, as that’s what his religion taught him. The Married At First Sight season 17 cast members struggled with the idea that Austin would want to raise his children with religion, while Becca did not.

Austin Wanted To Control The Optics

Married At First Sight Austin & Becca looking stressed and sad

Throughout the marriage, Becca accused Austin of being more concerned about the optics of their relationship than the relationship itself. According to Becca, Austin was worried about how the show would make him look, so he was careful about monitoring what the couple said on camera. Another Married At First Sight season 17 couple, Brennan Shoyket and Emily Balch, had a similar issue, with Brennan going so far as to delete video diaries.

Is Austin Dating Anyone After Married At First Sight

Montage of Married At First Sight’s Austin and Becca

Although Austin isn’t on Instagram, it appears he is single after Married At First Sight season 17. Though there’s no confirmation about Austin’s dating life, he wanted to take time after his painful divorce to better himself. It’s been difficult to watch Married At First Sight season 17 and watch his marriage to Becca fall apart, and it’s not a surprise that Austin isn’t ready to move on just yet.

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