Married At First Sight Season 18: Michelle Tomblin Should Never Have Been Cast (How Could The Experts Make Such A Big Mistake?)
Michelle Tomblin is a Married At First Sight star who’s abrasive, judgmental and downright rude, and she shouldn’t have been cast in the franchise, much less been paired with a man like David Trimble. David’s all about family – he lives with his parents, helping them to run their business. He’s sensitive enough to be wounded by Michelle’s words and actions. When the so-called experts matched these two, they must have realized that Michelle had callous traits that were going to emerge.
How could they have missed the warning signs? Chances are good that they didn’t. They saw the amber alerts and proceeded anyway.
The thing is, these signs of trouble were waving in the breeze, making it difficult for the couple to ever get on the same page. The experts, Dr. Pepper Schwartz, Pastor Cal Roberson and Married At First Sight’s Dr. Pia Holec, should be able to assess personalities and weed out the most narcissistic in the bunch. However, they seem to do just the opposite. Why else do people like Michelle and other notorious villains, including Chris Williams, continue to get screen time? Michelle’s got a mean streak that any professional should be able to spot right away.
Michelle Is On A Fault-Finding Mission
The worst thing about Michelle is her tendency to shame David. She’s got a strong personality, and frankly, she doesn’t know how to put a little sugar on it. When she finds fault with her partner, David, he needs to duck and cover. There isn’t much he does that meets with her approval.
For example, she called him out for eating at night, as though it was some kind of crime. He explained that when he was training as an athlete, he used to enjoy meals at night as part of his fitness program. He kept up the habit after he stopped training.
When she criticized his eating habits, it seemed like she was trying to tell him she wasn’t happy with his body. He’s a nice-looking man – he’s not a super-skinny person, but does he have to be? In Michelle’s eyes, maybe. He might not fit her ideal of what a man should look like. She may wish that the experts, including Married At First Sight’s Pastor Cal Roberon, paired her with someone else. Because she’s not a gracious person, she shares her “insights” about David in shockingly crude and tactless ways, never considering his feelings.
This is probably the worst red flag there is. It showcases a total lack of empathy, or close to it. It’s a bit egotistical too – when someone spends their days and nights pointing out someone else’s flaws, they clearly think they don’t have any of their own. However, no one is flawless. Michelle thinks highly of herself, and her inflated ego means that she doesn’t hesitate before cutting David down. In fact, she seems to revel in mistreating him.
The Experts Have Dropped The Ball
If the experts are “seeding” the cast with egomaniacs who are very likely to emotionally abuse partners, they are doing the gentler cast members a great disservice.
There isn’t anything good about this relationship – it’s a war zone, and Michelle is the aggressor, sparking arguments over almost everything, from David’s supposed immaturity to what he eats to his tattoo of an ex-girlfriend’s name. That ink is right on his chest, a constant reminder that there is one more thing that she doesn’t like about her husband. Then, there’s the fact that she feels “smothered” by the man she’s married to.
It’s an awful situation and the experts deserve to shoulder some of the blame. They sifted through countless applications and this is what they came up with? Pairing a “mama’s boy” with a woman who’s bold, bossy and not exactly nurturing? It’s like they did anything they could to create a marriage that is a ticking time bomb.