What Can The Married At First Sight Season 18 Experts Do To Save Their Reputations? (They Are Failing The Couples)
There are steps the Married at First Sight experts can take to save their reputations after they’ve been failing the season 18 couples. Married at First Sight season 18 is in full swing, as the couples recently had their one-month anniversary milestones. The five season 18 couples were matched by MAFS’ panel of three experts, Dr. Pepper Schwartz, Pastor Cal Roberson, and Dr. Pia Holec. The experts were meant to take value systems, physical appearance preferences, cultural backgrounds, and participant goals in mind when making the matches.
It’s become clear that the experts have fallen short as one couple has broken up, and the others are not connecting and growing like they should be at this stage in the experience. MAFS as a whole has had a terrible success rate, with only 12 of 64 couples staying together (not including season 18.) Within the historical failures and those failures and shortcomings of the experts in season 18, the experts’ reputations are being damaged, but they can improve their perceptions by viewers.
The MAFS Experts Need To Intervene More
It’s become apparent that the MAFS experts have been more hands-off in season 18 than they have been in past seasons. Usually, the experts meet with a couple when they are in peril and at risk of calling it quits, but the pairs have largely had to figure things out on their own. What needs to happen, is the experts need to intervene more and give solid guidance and counseling, so the chances of the couples succeeding is higher.
If the experts can get through to the couples when there is turmoil and start deescalating situations, the matches will have a better chance and the experts won’t be perceived as bad. It seems like the experts are only meeting the couples once a week and sending gift baskets with prompts in the interim, which is not enough. To change their reception and the outcome of the marriages, the experts need to be more involved.
The MAFS Experts Should Call Out Bad Behavior
The other bad reflection on the experts is that they are not calling out bad behavior from the cast properly. Dr. Pia made Emem Obot apologize to her husband, Ikechi Ojoré, when he was the one with an attitude and throwing out slanderous accusations. Ikechi has been able to act and say things with impunity, and it’s not right for Lifetime’s experts to let him behave like that. It is the experts’ job to stop toxicity and put a cap on wayward cast actions that will have negative consequences or hurt their partners.
Season 18 Should Be Dr. Pepper & Pastor Cal’s Last Season
Another huge way the Married at First Sight experts could save their reputations and help future couples is for Dr. Pepper and Pastor Cal to bow out of the franchise finally.
Their advice is generations behind, and they don’t fully understand modern couples, so their feedback is often off base.
That, and they aren’t grasping the intricacies of the couples’ problems, so their counseling is moot. In any case, there is still hope for the experts to redeem themselves in season 18; they just need to be more proactive and present.