Married at first sight

Allen Slovick Is Saving Married At First Sight Season 18 (Signs He Is The Best Casting Choice & Is Saving The Season)

Married At First Sight season 18 has been a difficult season, but Allen Slovick is one of the best parts of the show, proving he’s been an incredible casting choice for the series. Throughout Married At First Sight season 18, the singles who have been matched up as a part of the experiment have been doing their best to work through their issues and come out the other side unscathed, with a partnership they can invest in. The Married At First Sight season 18 cast has been struggling to create their relationships, as working through their differences hasn’t been easy.

Allen, who’s paired with Married At First Sight season 18’s Madison Meyers, has been excited from the beginning to get to know his MAFS bride. Originally from Chicago, Allen has been doing his best to connect with his MAFS bride Madison throughout the experiment and has felt ready to get to know her in every way possible. While Madison knows Allen has been doing his best to build a foundation for their relationship, she hasn’t helped contribute to their connection. Whether it’s sharing that Allen isn’t her physical type or struggling to stay present, Madison hasn’t been great for Allen.

Allen Is Emotionally Intelligent

Married At First Sight season 18 Emem & Ikechi in wedding attire

As Allen has been shown working through the experiment and trying to build a connection with his MAFS wife Madison, it’s been clear that he has a high level of emotional intelligence. While Allen has had moments of doubt and fear, he’s been confident in the fact that he’s made the right decision for himself to appear on Married At First Sight season 18. Though Allen isn’t always certain of what’s to come, he’s been open and honest about his feelings throughout his time on the show, which is more than what can be said of some other MAFS participants.

While Allen may not be the most direct person on the show, he’s typically honest in his relationship with Madison and during the sessions with the MAFS experts. Allen has been upfront and clear about what he’s looking for in a partner, and how much he values Madison being in that role. Though their connection may not be coming as easily as others in the past, Allen has been pushing to build a genuine connection with Madison throughout the experiment. Madison may not always be the easiest for Allen, but his high level of emotional intelligence has helped him navigate.

Allen Still Causes Drama

Married at First Sight Love Is Blind Tim and Alex & Madison and Allen in side by side images looking happy

Although Allen has a higher level of emotional intelligence than the majority of his MAFS season 18 co-stars, he’s still open about the fact that he isn’t perfect and has some conflicting feelings on the series. Bringing some drama into Married At First Sight season 18, Allen hasn’t always been the easygoing, palatable partner that Madison’s come to expect. While he’s typically kind, Allen has brought his own share of drama and difficulty into his marriage with Madison. Making it clear that he isn’t happy with the way she’s been treating him, Allen’s spoken up about his relationship struggles.

While Madison is typically more likely to bring up her issues with Allen on Married At First Sight, he hasn’t shied away from being honest about how he’s feeling when it comes to her and their marriage. Allen is still hoping to make his relationship with Madison work, so it’s clear that he’s got a personal stake in the issues, but he’s been able to provide some interesting drama for the series throughout the season. Allen’s relationship with Madison has drama in itself, but the way he’s expressed his feelings has brought about some interesting layers to the drama.

Allen & Madison Are A Couple To Root For

Although Madison and Allen appear to have a differing level of interest in each other, the couple seem to be making a concerted effort to invest in each other and get to know one another before they make a decision about their marriage. Madison and Allen may have their issues, but the Married At First Sight pair seem to have a decent connection that they can build upon throughout the experiment, and even beyond. The Married At First Sight season 18 couple may be a pair that viewers can root for throughout the experiment, as they could make things work.

Is Allen Part Of The Couple Swap?

Married At First Sight season 18 cast members allen and madison in wedding outfits with lavender background

While Madison and Allen may be a pair that viewers want to see work on Married At First Sight season 18, it appears that they may be part of the couple swap that should come with the cheating scandal this season. At some point this season, it will be revealed that two of the participants have been cheating with each other outside of their marriages, which will likely push the couples to swap partners. Madison has been rumored to be one of the participants cheating, meaning she and Allen could make Married At First Sight history in the couple swap.

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