90 Day Fiancé

90 Day Fiancé: Jasmine Pineda’s Health Issues Explained (She’s Asking Fans To Send Prayers For Her Baby)

Jasmine Pineda from 90 Day Fiancé has been revealing heartbreaking updates about her baby’s health amid her own medical issues. Jasmine is a 38-year-old woman from Panama. Jasmine was working as a teacher when she met Gino Palazzolo from Michigan. Jasmine and Gino’s relationship was documented in several spin-offs owing to its dramatic nature. Jasmine became a polarizing cast member since her anger and secrets didn’t make her a fan-favorite, but fans did feel for Jasmine because of the way Gino treated her by denying her intimacy. Jasmine finally found the one in Matt Branis, her gym friend.

Jasmine and Gino are no longer together. She’s pregnant with Matt’s baby. Jasmine has been ridiculed for her decision to leave Gino for Matt. Now it’s been revealed that Jasmine’s living with Matt in Florida. Jasmine has been accused of cheating on Gino and using him for a Green Card. However, it’s not the only thing making Jasmine’s pregnancy difficult. She also has received some heartbreaking news about her unborn baby as she deals with a mystery illness herself that even landed her in hospital recently.

Jasmine Has A Prolapsed Valve & Ventricular Arrhythmia

90 Day Fiancé's Jasmine Pineda holds her hands up in an odd position in front of the U.S. map and U.S. flag.

In March 2022, Jasmine’s fans were concerned when they saw her wearing a Holter monitor. The 90 Day Fiancé star casually revealed that the device was used to “catch arrhythmia” in her heart. The term “arrhythmia” refers to any problem in the rate or rhythm of a person’s heartbeat. During an arrhythmia, the electrical impulses may be too fast, too slow, or erratic, causing an irregular heartbeat. Jasmine explained that her cardiologist used the device to diagnose the type of arrhythmia and provide treatment accordingly.

“Since I was a little girl I used to faint and fell like my heart was gonna explode.”

Jasmine talked about her fainting spells when she was still a child. Jasmine did not visit a doctor then and even continued ignoring the problem as an adult until she ran into “serious issues” one day. Jasmine was diagnosed with a prolapsed valve and ventricular arrhythmia, meaning one of Jasmine’s valves is unable to function correctly. She doesn’t need to get heart surgery yet. However, Jasmine does need to visit a cardiologist thrice a year and take two kinds of medication for her lifetime.

Jasmine Has Been Dealing With Stomachache & Headache

jasmine pineda in 90 day fiance on Instagram story pregnant and sick with virus

Jasmine has been vocal about her health issues on Instagram lately. She’s talked about days when she has no appetite or energy. Jasmine filmed herself lying on a couch wearing a T-shirt that read “Lucky Girl” and shorts. “I think I [caught] a virus,” she said, as she revealed she couldn’t sleep the whole night because her stomach was hurting “so much.” Apart from having a stomachache, she also had a headache. She had also been feeling feverish and mentioned that her belly felt “so hot.” She added she was home alone, with her dog Coco.

Jasmine’s Baby Also Has A Heart Condition

90 Day Fiancé’s Jasmine Pineda and a sonogram and pregnancy test next to a question mark

Amid her own health problems, Jasmine revealed her baby is also facing complications in her womb. Kikiandkibbitz shared screenshots of Jasmine’s broadcast channel on Instagram. She was addressing rumors that claimed she already had her baby and confirming they were false. Jasmine showed her fans a picture of her sitting on a couch holding her pregnant belly. She revealed that she had a “very important test” scheduled because her OB/GYN was concerned about Jasmine’s baby’s heart. Jasmine asked fans to keep her in their prayers.

Jasmine Claims She “Won’t Survive” Pregnancy

Jasmine did not share what the OB/GYN had to say about her baby’s heart, but Jasmine spoke about her ill health (via .) Jasmine shared that she had been experiencing “random fevers” and mentioned that this was the third time it had occurred. She even bought a thermometer for her baby. Jasmine revealed she was shivering and feeling “so cold,” yet at the time of recording, she felt “hot.” She had visited the doctor but forgot to mention her symptoms, attributing it to her “pregnancy brain.” Because the fevers were happening more often, she scheduled another appointment.

90 Day: The Last Resort’s Jasmine admitted she was afraid to search her symptoms online. There are days when Jasmine has just enough energy to feel like herself – enough to work out and go about her day. But on most days, she feels completely drained. Jasmine expressed feeling so unwell at times that she wondered, “I’m not gonna make it.” She’s scared that she won’t survive especially because she feels “too old” to be having a baby. “I feel like, I don’t know, like I’m not gonna survive this,” Jasmine added.

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